JA SparktheDream

JA SparktheDream

JA SparktheDream is to provide our younger generation with the tools and opportunities to take charge of their financial future and live their dreams.

Programme Length
6 hours in total
  • Volunteer-led sessions
    (45 minutes x 4)
  • Online learning (2 hours)
  • In-school sharing (1 hour)
Target Participants
Form 1 to Form 2
Programme Format
Face-to-face or online
English or Bahasa Malaysia
Class Size
School Commitment
  • School to provide venue
  • At least one teaching staff or facilitator to support student coordination
Free of charge

Programme Highlights

Volunteer-led Sessions
  • Session One: Money that Matters I
  • Session Two: Money that Matters II
  • Session Three: Live my Dreams
  • Session Four: Sharing is Caring
Online Learning Platform
  • Fun games
  • Quiz
  • Social innovations showcase
Family, Peers and Community Engagements
  • At-home activity
  • In-school sharing
  • Virtual regional exchange event